Mon 06 Jan
hAvEnT u WaiTeD LoNg EnOuGh !! — 770-996-4212!!! (now taking credit cards) - 22
*D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T OP L A Y -9ff - 22
Sun 05 Jan
•.♥ Just Arrived! TS Sarina Valentina! - Visiting Atlanta - Enjoy Me til LATE! - 22
(Atlanta, Visiting/I area)
***BEST RATES IN TOWN**75/half 100/hr*** TS K. Foxx Young, Fresh, and NEW!? - 22
(Buckhead,Midtown and Surrounding Areas)
TS Kandace Logan: BACK HOME with my 9" tool, 150% REAL PIX and 80 SPECIALS!!! - 22
(ATL Airport Area)
★Now in Atlanta★ 【↘HotWhiteBlonde↙】 █150hh█ ★█200Hour█★ █Vip300█ 【↘↙】 ⇛214-603-1616 - 22
(Atlanta, ★Downtown★ 4StarHotel ██ 5DaysOnly██)
**no rush**HUNG SheMale 9"FF (((TS Claire 678.640.7763))) Atlanta Airport/ College Park/ 85 SOUTH - 22
(Atlanta Airport/College Park/ East Point)
Sat 04 Jan
TS Cheyenne Jasmine visiting November 3 rd - November 8th. ONLY !!!!! - 26
(Atlanta, Midtown Atlanta Area)
Ts Katie Cokks XXX Porn Star 10.5 inches 5'4" 36Ds (Inman Park/Little 5 Points) - 23
(Inman Park/Little 5 Points)
The Ultimate TS Experience ~ ♥ ~ -For The Upscale Gentleman With Exquisite Taste! - 26
(Atlanta, Airport Area)
Stay warm with my 10 inches of snow. KOREAN TS Jennifer Chung *in-OUTcall available - 22
(Atlanta, Atlanta , near Mall.)
$$ 60 Special $$* ¨ SeXy SliM PeTiTe ¨*-:¦* BoMbShElL *:-* Ts TiNy 100% Real Pics *¨¨*:* - 23
(Atlanta, Marietta/75 North)
Come WATCH my FIREWORKS Explode !!!! Extreme FUNCTIONAL action ((well HUNG TS Claire 678.640.7763)) - 22
(Atlanta Airport/College Park/ East Point)
Fri 03 Jan
TS Cheyenne Jasmine visiting December 10 th - December 14th. ONLY !!!!! - 26
(Atlanta, Midtown Atlanta Area)
**Come Get The Best Of Both Worlds** 100%Pure Pleasure 623-688-8421 MS. DIAMOND **Special Prices*** - 22
(Atlanta, Riverdale rd/ Airport area)
◈ SPECTACULAR SHEMALE Model : H O T• Curvy GORGEOUS BLOnDy. [active & passive TS] - 20
(Atlanta, Clairmont/ N Druid Hills)
BLK T-GIRL'S 5 ☆ EXOtiC UnBEAtAbLE, sEssiOnS nO GimmiCks 100% rEaL pHOtOs - - 22
ts SUSAN VISITING few day ATL 10 inches dont miss me out ok{ 323 }523 71 97 vers{TOP - 21
(claitmont rd)
TS Vicky is Visiting Atlanta and Ready To Show you Why I'm The Best Call Me Now *****Great Rates**** - 22
(Atlanta, Downtown Upscale location)
Thu 02 Jan