Wed 12 Mar
Mon 10 Mar
Sat 08 Mar
Sat 01 Mar
💕Cute💋Sexy💋Slim💜Always💦Wet&Tight🤪Available for Incall or Outcalls and Car fun-24/7 404-208-3169
(united States)
Tue 25 Feb
Sat 22 Feb
Fri 07 Feb
🌼🌼 470-731-1035 💚💛Asian & Latina 💚24/7💛young 💛💚incall/outcall🌼🌼sexybaby💛gfe💚bbbj💛daty💚
Thu 30 Jan
✅❇️ ❤️ 305 518 2636 INDEPENDIENTE NO DEPOSIT‼️❤️❇️ ✅ FULL PAYMENT AFTER MY SERVICE ❤️ MULTIPLE **** WhatsApp 305 518 2636
Mon 27 Jan
** HoT CoLLeGe BrUneTTe----- ---- ----- KiNdA bUt SeXy!---- -- ---- BoMbSheLL - 20
(Downtown-Peachtree St.)
HOT BODY and a Fun Personality - Available Now! - 19
(Albany, Athens, Atlanta, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Macon, Northwest Georgia, Savannah, Statesboro, Valdosta, anywhere you want me!)
_!!! HOT !!! ___ BUSTY AND petite ___ KAY + is + UP + ALL+ NITE +TONITE + GUYS!!! - 38
💯% HoME aLONE 💯% COMPANY 💗 WiLL Be NiCE 🚣 [][] PRIVATE Pl. [][] 🚘 No Rush 🏡 - 20
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, UnionCity Fairburn Stockbridge Airport)
**HoT ..BRaziLIan PLayMaTE !!! ~*~ & CUbaN BOmBShELL !!! 2 EXoTiC PLaYmATeS !
(Marietta//80QK.LUNCH SPECIAL)
Hot Blonde Temporary Girlfriend $PECIAL Available NOW - 32
(Atlanta, Kennesaw Acworth Woodstock Canton Mariet, Otp North)
****HOT 26 yr old***** READY to PLEASE and be PLEASED!!! Specials!!! - 26
(Otp North, All atlanta areas (incall and outcall))
♥♥Hobby on the Weekend ♥♥ Collette is Atlanta's Southern Hospitality♥♥ - 35
(Atlanta, Atlanta Incall / Outcall)
__________ Hot _____ & _____ Classy _____ Blonde _____ Ready _____ 2 _____ Play __________ - 26
(Atlanta, Cobb Galleria are Incall)
Sun 26 Jan
💗💕 💗💕 💗💕 💗💕 💗💕 YOUNG - 💢❤💢 -100% REAL EBONY FREAK💗💕 U N F O R G E T A B L E 💗💕 💕💕� - 21
(Atlanta, Decatur, Litho, Atl, Alpha 285e ,20e)
*** YoU RiSe and I'LL sHiNe **** $80 hlf SPECIALS!!! - 26
(Atlanta, outcall Sandy Springs, Marietta,)
"You Study Long, You Study Wrong"... My Sessions Book Quickly!! - 34
(Atlanta, PRIVATE Incall - Atlanta/Snellville)
🍫You be my snicker😜 ill be your custard🍰 - 26
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Lawrenceville, tucker,duluth,decatur)
❤❤ Y O U R ____ B R U N E T T E ____ D R E A M ____ G I R L ____ A W A I T S ____ Y O U ❤ ❤❤ ❤ - 21
Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ F__R__E__A__K__ *~InCaLL* - 22
(Otp North, IN&OuT; Smyrna,Marietta buckhead&more;)
💋 YES! It's all true what they say about Red Heads! ❤️36 DDD 👌😙 Prompt Outcall 💟 verified! ❤️ - 26
(Atlanta, Prompt Outcall!)
YES BBY☎️ Yummie if you like it 💦 and 🍰 Yummie kisses 💋 in/outcalls - 21
(Otp North, Duluth pleasant hill norcross tucker)
(( Yess ! ! U choose tha rite one !! Come see me now !!! Best rates ever !! )) - 24
(Atlanta, Roswell/ Decatur/ Atlanta/ hwy 285and20)
^*^[=You Ain't Never Seen A White Girl With A Body Like This CALL ME=]^*^ - 23
(Atlanta, marietta vinings)
YeS, Sweetie ~~ I Do LOVE It ? The ??? ~~ ( OiLeD & ReaDy) FulFill Your Fantasy!!! spcls - 30
(Otp East, i-2oE Conyers PrivRes)
;·.·´¯` xXx RATED Brunette !! *FLiRTy, FrEaKy & L0ADS of FuN* (+) iM a NaUgHtY Girl - 20
(Buckhead in/out)
X-rated & OILED down Leilani's Exotic Body ! $60 Special ~~ Hawaiian Goddess ~~ - 21
(Atlanta, Marietta Windyhill 75 285 my bed)
Y O U R __ F R E A K Y __ O B S E S S I O N ☆ - 21
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A:¦:LO O K ((UP ALL NIGHT)) ))) - 20
(Otp North, marietta, smyrna, Atlanta, surrounding)
Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ F__R__E__A__K__ *~ $PECIAL - 22
(Otp North, Smyrna,Marietta buckhead Alpharett)
Xo:Xo:Xo Blonde Blue Eyed Hottie **READY & EAGER** To PLease You!!! Xo:Xo:Xo - 23
(carrollton/villa rica)
💋 YES! It's all true what they say about Red Heads! ❤️36 DDD 👌😙 Prompt Outcall 💟 verified! ❤️ - 26
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Incall/outcall)
×°x°× V®Y *** F®AKy*** GiRL ×°x°× LATIN MODEL!!!!! NEW___NEW - 22
(Metro Atlanta-Incall & Outcall)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE :¦:S T O P & T A K E A :¦:LO O K :¦: (NO RULES) - 21
(Atlanta, 285 && OUTCALL SPECIALS)
▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄💋Y O U R. E X O T I C. F A N T A S Y.💋 ▄▀❤▀▄♕▄▀❤▀▄ - - 23
(Atlanta, ♕▄▀❤▀▄💋Downtown InCall • OutCall♕▄▀❤▀▄💋)
Y__O__U __R __~__S __E__X__ X__Y__~ __L__I__L___ ~__ S__E__C __R__E__T - 24
(Otp North, Smyrna Atlanta Marietta buckhead)
;·.·´¯` xXx RATED Brunette COLLeGE gIRL !! *FLiRTy & L0ADS of FuN* (+) iM a NaUgHtY Girl - 20
** XO ** XO ** XO * ASIAN GIRLS.. 4 HAND MASSAGE *$60 1HR * XO ** XO ** XO ** - 21
💋€XÂC†L¥ ;• WH† ° _U_ Ñ€€Ð ☆ ReD HeAd* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð TÕ §ÂTi§F¥ ☆ ♥ - 22
(Atlanta, Outcall @ your place or Hotel)
×°x°× ★.o°* Mzz. PiE-MAke mi RAiN--$50 Donation Special- * °o. ★×°x°×.· - - 25
(Atlanta, 285 N LAVISTA RD)
***** ×°x°× FuNn eBoNy ×°x°× *****At YoUr SeRvIce**** )))))))))) ..... ))))))))) ....... ))))))))) - 21
(LovejoyJonesboro Morrow 75{S}outh)
__________ x __________ ☆ ★ ★Five Star Blonde __________ (( View My Website )) - 24
(Atlanta, OUTcall-- Dwntwn, Midtwn, & Buckhead)
🎀 💋🍫 🍫W💦💦t and Tasty 👅👅👅 Stacy [ Sexy and SLIM ] *INCALL SPECIALS*🍫💋 🎀 - 24
(Atlanta, Norcross, Otp North)
WOW!!!! SMOkiN HoTT == ITALIAN B O M B S H E L L = = SUPER S E X Y !!! - - 25
(MarIeTta Incall/OutcallS)
XxXx Extremely Gorgeous & Well Reviewed Petite Brunette 678)667 8710 XxXx
(Atlanta, Perimeter Mall Area)
XXX*Nia Foxxx. SexC, Petite, Doll. Are you ready to play with me?XXX - 23
(Atlanta, Stone mountain, Decatur In/Outcall)
WoW NeW*** DANGEROUSLY ADDiCTING * FeTiSh FrIeNdLy* -:¦:-BlOnDe- WiTh DD,s OuTCaLLs24)7 - 22
(Atlanta, ATLANTA/OUTCALL 24/7)
xOxO QuaLifiED *tO* LeAvE *yOu *MoRe *tHAn * SatiSfiED * xOxO - 26
(Atlanta, Buford Hwy, N.Druid Hills)
[×°x ¡THE REAL DEAL¡ ___ ► *HoT *HoT ¡ PERFECT Brunette ◄ ___ ** REAL PICS ** x°×] - 21
(Atlanta, Outcall)
W€t, W€t, In ¥h€ M¡Dd|€.. 60 $p€c¡¤ls.... - 30
(Otp North, Gwinnett, 85 North exit 101exit 99hwy 29)
__________ x ________ Independent and Sexy Blonde __________ x __________ - 24
(Atlanta, OutCall Only -- Dwntwn, Midtwn, & Bhe@d)
Wow!!! Super sexy petite blonde spinner!! Pics yesterday woW - 27
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Outcall only!!!)
X•——TRŸ M€——°×°——TÕUCH M€ ——•X•——F€ €L M€——°×° - 26
(Atlanta, Outcall/Incall norcross, buckhead area)
🎀【£xoTic★£bonY 】🎀【YoUr ★ FaNtaSy】🎀1000% Real Pics. Me or Free! 🎀【cUτє ★ PETITE】🎀【Fun ★ sWEet】🎀 - 23
(Atlanta, Downtown Incall/Outcall Specials)
WoW ~ New Girl Isabell ~ WoW ~ A MUST SEE ~ 100% Real Pics ~ No Waste Of Time or Money Here ! ! ! - 21