Tue 21 Jan
What You See Is Who You Get!! Specials!! Big Booty Champ 40 60 80 - 23
WE KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! ATLANTA ESCORTS~ setting the standards . NO GAMES or HASSLES certified SEXY - 28
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, outcall only)
Weekend $pecial »»»» $pecial»»»»»Ms.TighT & Juicy«««««««« I MaKe u $weAt »»$pecial - 25
(Otp North, Smyrna/ Vinings/Marietta)
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ WHITE GIRL WITH AN ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ - 25
(Airport/Virginia Ave)
When the cats away the mice will play ........ MEOW - 27
(Otp South, Mt Zion ~ Stockbridge ~ Southlake Mall)
ATTENTION 75north (((( BADDEST BITCHEZ UNDA DA SUN ! ))))) calls only ! makes me wett - 19
(75Nexit261/ delk rd)
*** We got everything We need but you *** (( I'm Readyy Call me Now)) - 21
(Atlanta, Downtown Atlanta, East Atlanta, ect..)
$¡$¡$ $WEET & $eXXy Ebony ViXXen NOW AVAILABLE!!! $ensual $aturday Nite LIVE!!! $¡$¡$ - 25
(Otp East, Conyers INCALL ONLY)
Warning can become addicted!!! Mixed exotic beauty - 23
(Otp North, in/out calls on chamblee tucker rd)
WELL REVIEWED! √ $$50-80 Outcall Specials.. CALL 404.838.9857 OR 404.447.5719 Caramel`Cash° - 21
🍬🍭❤Want A Piece Of C A N D Y ?❤🍭🍬 ((50spc)) - 20
(Otp South, 75S/Clayton county ((Private Residence)))
Wanna CoMe over 2 MYSPACE and play with my TWITTER & GOOGLE all over my FACEBOOK💯%®e@L 🌹ÄvāįŁåBle - 22
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, conyers(Hwy 138)Covington)
★★WEEKDAY SPECIALS★★ Sexy Brown Bone,→→ *ARIEL's*←← Fine Like Wine,Come Find Out Why! ▼Take a peak▼ - 21
(Atlanta, Decatur/285/20 East.)
Weekend Only!!! Dec 31-Jan 2! Come let the BBW caramel goddess Angel pleasure you! - 29
(Otp North, atlanta in/out w/i reasonable range)
(~*~WELCOME 2 My PlAY RoOm ~*~ WHERE ThE PARTY NeVeR EnDs~*~ Ready Now !!! - 23
(Otp South, IN&OUTCALL;)
***Welcome To Ms.Candy Land!!! ( Specials!....INCALLS All day!!! - 24
(Atlanta, lithonia stone mountain decatur, Otp East)
_____ ((( Latina & Italian))) _____ ((( Latina & Italian))) _____ ((( Latina & Italian))) _____
(Candler Rd & Flat Shoals Decatur)
Wake up to something Hot and Sweet ........ .Come and get it !!!!!!! - 24
** W.A.N.T. ** Y.O.U. ** T.O.N.I .G.H.T.!! ** W.A.N.T ** M.E.?? ** S.P.E.C. I.A.L.S ** - 22
(N. 285/Atlanta)
:•.♥;•:Warning °o★©•° Extremely °•★©•° Addictive★•::•♥ INCALL SPECIALS!!!!! - 23
(Otp South, Stockbridge/InCall)
**WARNING SLi.Pp.3RY !! **FREAKY Pleasing SPECIALIST, $$45 XMAS incall holdiay specials$$$$ - 24
(Atlanta, douglas, thornton, cobb, fulton)
----- WAY -----× ---- TOO [×°x°× GOOD ×°x°×] TO [×°x°× MISS! ×°x°×] -
We are your next best choice.so let me come show you a magnificent time:).call now - 18
(Atlanta, downtown atlanta)
Want a Classy MODEL QUALITY SESSION?? ^^^5 STAR^^^ Blue Eyed Brunette (TONED N' SLENDER) $80$ Qck!! - 20
(marietta/ smyrna)
[×°°× WAY ×°°×] ---- TOO [×°°× GOOD °x°×] TO [°x°× MISS! ×°°×] - 18
(Otp North, Buckhead (Incall/Outcall))
* * W* a* r* m* * -N- * * J* u* i* c* y* * G* o* r* g* e* o* u* s* -N- * C* u* r* v* y* * - 33
(Otp North, MARIETTA (my place))
W H I T E ** G O L D *** L U N C H **** S P L**** NEW *** N E W *** N E W *** - 19
(Otp North, 75 North Delk Rd ALL Atanta)
W O W~B I G BOOTY~-:;:-o*'o ❤ UP ALL DAY & NIGHT ❤ o*'o-:;:- $$50 $$100 specials!! - 24
(Atlanta, Northlake Parkway, Tucker, GA)
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E - 20
Get M-O-R-E than your $$ worth! TALL MODEL BRUNNTE HOTTIE! Dn't Settle Atl!- $80$ qk - 20
(marietta/ smyrna)
((())) *WaRnInG* ((( VeRy HaBiT FoRmInG ... NeW TaStY eXoTiC FLaVoR ((()))) - 22
(Otp North, marietta, smyrna, surrounding)
~ *•♛•* *:•♥*¨*:• : Voluptuous puerto rican/cubana •:*¨*•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - 22
(Otp North, marietta, atlanta, sandy springs,vinning)
_ VOTED _ BEST _ ( ( ASS ) ) _ IN _ CLASS _ ( ( ( SLuTTY ( ( B L (o) N D E) ) COLLEGE CO-ED ) ) ) - 23
(( ( B U C K H E A D ) ))
V®Y ** F®AKy ** GiRL ×°x°× BBW ×°x°×NaUgHtY As HeLL ★ - 25
(AIRPORT AREA/285/southside)
*~*WANT__ $ome__* ROYAL *__Treatment ?*~*_BLonDe_*~* I;M__ *Feeling*__ LOVELY & GENEROU$__ Today*~* - 21
(Marietta...Incalls Now!LetsPlay)
(¯`'•.¸° Visiting Hot Mixed breed •*¨¨*•- AvaILabLe TOday *•-:¦:-•* Independent *•-:¦:-•* REAL! - 20
(Atlanta, MARIETTA - off i75frwy)
{{WARNING} **MASSIVE **((@SS )) CaN U hAnDel ThIs EaRtHqUakE ((Big Booty) - 23
(Atlanta, airport baby)
( ❤ ❤ ❤)W__E__T ❤ M_O_R_ N_ I _N_G __❤ T_R_ E_ A_ T__❤_OUTCALL(❤ ❤ ❤) - 22
(Otp North, Smyrna,Marietta buckhead 285 surrounding)
💘🍀💘🍀💘🍀💘🍀💘🍀“WA”💘🍀💘🍀💘🍀fresh best choice Asian candy 💘🍀💘🍀💘🍀💘🍀💘🍀 - 22
(Atlanta, Otp North, Sandy Springs.Roswell.Alpharetta)
√Wake UP to ME√ √$45 INcall SPECIALS √ *CALL NOW 404.447.5719 Caramel`Cash° - 21
•ViSiTiNG FANTASY •:*. 3 GiRLS •:*.•Lets PLAY!!! :* »-♥- » WE ARE READY »-♥ - 23
(Atlanta, Buckhead/ downtown // Incall&Outcall;)
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E - 20
(75 south***Incall**Available Now***)
★Visiting THICK ☆ ★ __ ★ Succulent ★ BBW_★ Goddess ★ _★ Mesmerizing ★ _Film^StaR ★ _Specials ★ - 23
(Atlanta, Marietta/Kennesaw/Smyrna/75/285/575)
ViSiTiNg__ __ *°{ {:HoT:} }°*&*° tEMptiNG °*{ {: ErOtiC:} }*°*° {:SeXY: PeTiTe } 100 OUTCALLs s - 26
Victoria's Secret Beautiful caramel explosion the Ultimate upscale Experience - 22
(Atlanta, Jimmy Carter Blvd/ Norcross/ Atlanta)
_* W__a __n__n __a __ Make __ Your __Dream__ Come ___ True_____ BBW - 25
(NorthLake Area/285 IN/OUT)
Visiting for LIMITED TIME ♡♡Sexiest girls around ☆☆ 3 girls to chose from or all THREE ☆☆☆ FINEST☆☆☆ - 20
(Atlanta, Marietta Ga. /Delk rd.)
__( ViSiTiNG! )—^♥^—( iRRESiSTABLE! )—^♥^—( HEART-STOPPiNG! )—^♥^—( BLONDE! ) - 22
(Atlanta, **BuCkHeAd**NeAr LeNnOx MaLl**iNcALl)
VISITING Sept1st-7th SUPER BUSTY(44I) CURVY S!L!U!T!T!Y REAL XXXStar Ready 2 S!Q!U!I!R!T! *HoT PiCs* - 20
________ W A R N I N G : ________ N @ U G H T Y _____ G i R L S ____ at _____ P L @ Y ________ - 23
(Atlanta, The Perfect Pair) (Buckhead)
* * * * W* e* d* n* e* s* d* a* y* * * * S* p* e* c* i* a* l* 's* * * * 6'2* * * (Blonde) * B*B*W* - 32
(Atlanta, MARIETTA(cobb pkwy))
Video proof 🌸Buckhead💄Asian NEW exotic 😘 !!! 😍 Incall and outcall 🌹 Visiting GONE SOON - 22
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Incall and outcall buckhead)
View VIDeO 😍 NEW Xotic 💕💞💓TrOpical BLONDE🍇🍒🍉 DELIVERED 2 YOU 💐Upper Class playmate 💝 - 19
(Atlanta, Dunwoody buckhead out & in calls 247)
🔥 @Vikki24hrs💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻Video Verified📹 Watch My B🏀🏀Ty BOUNCE📽🎥 LEAVING TODAY!!! Catch Me while You CAN!!! - 25
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Incall/Outcall Dwntwn, MidTwn, Bkhead)